Thinking of implementing a social learning management system (LMS)? If so, you are in good company; many business owners and organizational leaders are considering taking this same action. Each day, more and more companies launch their very first LMS with high hopes of increased organization and simplified employee training. The right social learning management system can meet and even exceed these expectations.

What You Need to Know
Launching a hosted LMS is much easier than a locally installed solution but there are a few items you need to keep in mind. Despite the fact that your software provider will implement and customize your LMS, you will be responsible for moving your workplace and training center online, or, in eLearning terms, “on the cloud.” Here are three important things you, a company leader, must do before an LMS is installed:
- Organize employee training course materials.
- Create a training plan.
- Educate employees about the LMS.
1. Organize Training Materials
It’s crucial that you choose an eLearning system capable of meeting an array of your company’s needs. However, it will help you to understand that the first and foremost purpose of an LMS is to simplify employee training. With this in mind, be sure to organize training materials prior to the installation of a social learning management system. The best way to do this is to go through each course and decide which information will be executed by what LMS tool. For example, you will likely utilize web conferencing when presenting lecture notes, and pop quizzes may be presented through polls. The more organized your company’s training materials are, the easier it will be to transfer them online once the LMS is in place.
2. Create a Training Plan
How does your company plan to use its LMS? For example, will your eLearning system be used exclusively for training? (This would mean that all of your employees’ training would take place online.) Or, will the eLearning platform be employed to create a blended-format training model that is both online and in-person? Also, how often will the LMS be used? These are questions that should have clear answers before an eLearning system is installed.
3. Educate Employees
In the workplace, delegation can be a wonderful thing. This is especially true of a workplace that is about to have its entire culture changed by an eLearning system. Because an LMS launch is an all-hands-on-deck undertaking, you’ll want to get everyone at your workplace involved in and enthusiastic about the implementation of the LMS. Do this by demonstrating to your employees how to use the eLearning system for messaging, video conferencing, realtime chat, etc. Not only will this get all employees up to speed on how to use the LMS, but it will get everyone excited about it.
The benefits of a social learning management system are numerous and become evident shortly after implementation. Most employees grow to enjoy and depend on their company’s eLearning system quickly. As soon as employees experience online training, they rarely want to go back to classroom-style training. If you’d like to transform your company’s culture and your employees’ training model, consider investing in a full-featured LMS like TOPYX. Best of all, it is a flat-rate LMS that has the potential to lower a company’s bottom line over time.
An LMS is an investment that pays off in major dividends. Preparing for an eLearning system launch by organizing coursework, creating a training plan and educating employees will set your company up for growth.